Saturday, February 17, 2007


i say it all the time to my crew at watershed that the church today is obsolete because people don't find value in it whatsoever; not even those who go to church. let's face it, no one wants to get up on a day they normally have off and go watch some people sing songs and then listen to some guy pontificate out of some old book, telling them that they are wrong and have to change. if we were honest, how many of us christians are really affected by "the church?" probably very few. we have made this "church thing" just something we do on a sunday morning for multiple reasons - we are used to it, we feel bad if we don't go, or we think it's our get out of hell free pass. we want to go on sunday, maybe drop a 10 spot in the offering (if the sermon is good that day or whatever), and bail without any further thought about church or God until the next sunday. that is exactly why the church today is obsolete! we christians don't even believe it is real or let it be real in us. so the world looks in and says, "see, you're no different than me!" chances are we are worse because in the midst of our sin we wave the flag of Christ over ourselves and say, "i'm a christian, i'm a christian." it's funny because i have heard it over and over, and even said it, that God is the One who changes people. it doesn't matter your evangelistic method or your discipleship courses, God does the changing. but we who are in the church don't even let him do that! instead, we live life exactly like the world with minor, insignificant differences and expect them to flood our churches. who wants to get up early on a sunday morning to go to church and deal with a hang over?! so i ask, why in the world would those who do not call themselves christians want anything to do with a church that offers nothing?! God is not obsolete, but we, the church, are. ask yourself, "why am i a christian?" and then ask, "why would those who aren't want to be?" does my life call them to something better? does my church?

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